NABAA AL-BASRA company was incorporated by according to the decision of firms register M.SH. /8267600-2 IN 11/3/2013 where the company is the legitimate inheritor of NABAA AL-BASRA bureau for computer services incorporated in 1997 , which is one of the 1st bureaus in information services started with a staff no more than five employees , now it has twenty staff member as administrators , engineers, technicians and workers.
NABAA AL-BASRA company tries it’s best to develop national economy and achieve profits through investments in the field of information technology including the works related to computer technology and software and seeks to rise with the information reality in Iraq due to its absolute belief of the vitality of this business for the progress of the country , therefore it develops it’s cadre through sending them to developing courses and the acquaintance on exhibitions inside and outside Iraq , also it provides all services and technical consultations to the various ministries and governmental bureaus through contracts and consultations.